Friday, December 5, 2014

Turning the Industry Around for Musicians

Earlier this year, David Byrne released an article titled “How Will the Wolf Survive: Can Musicians Make a Living in the Streaming Era?” We are seeing more and more pieces like David’s where musicians are getting a taste of reality. But it sometimes seem to land on deaf ears, I wonder if loud music is taking its toll? It is a rather long piece, but he sure does hit the nail squarely on the head. Right off the bat, he makes a profound observation and not from a gut feeling, but from actual facts:
… it looks doubtful that musicians will be able to make much of a living from their recordings given the kind of pittance that trickles down from streaming services after record labels and others have taken their pieces of the pie. It appears that it will be harder and harder for musicians to even get to the level of audience where they can make a living based on income from live shows… Music consumption through streaming grew 32% from 2012 to 2013 in the U.S., while overall music sales fell 6.3%. (Source) At present these services are, in some countries, a small ancillary revenue stream for musicians, and in those cases they’re viewed as another welcome revenue stream. But I’m curious as to what happens to musicians when these services become more ubiquitous—when streaming becomes the new download (just as the download took over physical CD sales)…

Musicians – Working Hard for the Money!

So how will musicians in the future make a living in the music industry? Good question which I am often perplexed as to answers I get from musicians when asked. Those who are serious about their music career are focused on doing whatever it takes to get the attention of label scouts. But what exactly are scouts looking for in a musician? Another good question.

If a musician or band wants to improve their chances in getting noticed and a shot with a Record Label, then there are a few things musicians should be aware of. In an article found in Music Clout, there is a huge emphasis on being consistent in selling CD’s as well as merchandise. Artists also need to stay up to date with technology and be “forward-thinking” in ways to develop, maintain and engage their fans. It is rather ironic that record companies “want to see that you can move units without their help... if you can’t sell records on your own, labels no longer have the interest nor the resources to sign and develop you.” That one statement should make all artists stand up and take notice. Who actually benefits the most from the artist’s hard work should they get signed onto a label? And speaking of an artist’s hard work, think about this – what does it really take to even get noticed in order to be signed by a label, or even to have a shot at an endorsement or a sponsorship deal?

Here is an example of what may go into the process of becoming successful in the music industry:
 - When a musician or band works hard in perfecting their craft, their fanbase grows
 - When a band’s fanbase grows, they become more popular
 - When a band becomes more popular, they start to get noticed
 - When a band starts to get noticed, major corporations and/or label scouts knock on their door
 - When a band’s door gets a knockin’, the band gets label deals, sponsorship and/or endorsement -deals
 - When a band gets deals, they get asked to perform at concerts
 - When a band performs at concerts, they get more fans and make more money
 - When a band makes more money, they have more options
 - When a band has more options, what do they do with those options and where do they go from there?

Isn’t this what any musician would love to accomplish, get to the point where they have unlimited options? The question is, how long will/does it take, and who actually pulls most of the weight… who works the hardest and who actually benefits the least? It will always be the musician or band. Who benefits the most? Not the artist.

But of course corporations and labels do work hard, but in a different way. Once they find the dedicated artist, they go into gear to further promote the artist… but there is an expense involved and it is the artist that is liable for that cost. Ironically, musicians seek out labels so they can become successful however, not always is there money to be made by signing a label deal. Here is the other challenge… there are now fewer labels available for a larger number of musicians. The deck is stacked against the average artist. The problem lies in the fact that musicians are looking for that one chance to be discovered however there are only a “handful” of these industry moguls available – on the other hand, these movers and shakers have an enormous and endless pool of musicians by which to choose from – other artists who are also looking for their one chance. These artist are the competition and the competition is fierce!

So in the meantime, artists have to begin putting into action all those things the labels and scouts are looking for to even have a chance of becoming discovered. In the meantime however, like everyone else in the world, artist have to make money which most do by working full- or part-time jobs. Either in addition to, or in lieu of, there are other ways which musicians can make money. According to one source, The DIY Musician from cdbaby, there are 101 ways with which musicians can make money which tells me the sky is the limit – but can they do it on their own? Now that is another challenge. How many musicians have the experience? How many are willing to take a chance knowing there are only so many times one can fail before becoming frustrated and giving up on their dreams altogether. And if we are honest with ourselves, this may be the main reason why so many artist simply don’t even bother to begin with - they’ll keep their full- or part-time job and simply accept doing what they love as a hobby, attending a few gigs here and there every month or so. Why? Probably due to a lack of business skills, especially skills they believe they need within the music industry. And all too often, musicians have been told by friends and family about the horrors of the industry. Can’t deny the fact that the music industry has a reputation for being a dog-eat-dog world, and who wants that?

Making the Sale – What? I have to sell?

I found there are several good ideas for making money as publicized in the DIY Musician article. Some of the 101 ways are presented below however CAUTION, the list does contain the dreaded 4 letter word “SELL”. Music is a business, and like all businesses there is either a product or service which when rendered money is exchanged… aka a sale is made. Like it or not, everyone sells! If you ever got a job, you obviously sold yourself to your boss. If you are married, there is no doubt you sold yourself to your partner. We all sell so as Kool & The Gang would say “Get Down on It.” Here are 16 ways found in the 101 ways for making money, but believe it or not there are more reliable, and far more effective ways to cash in on one’s musical talent:
1. Sell video recording
2. Sell CD’s at a local store
3. Record backing tracks and sell them online
4. Join various digital download sites or channels and sell your music there
5. Build your own website and sell your music there
6. Sell Merch
7. Sell your old instruments online
8. Sell sheet music
9. Start a blog and package up information and sell them online
10. Sell vinyl (seems it is making a comeback)
11. Record lessons and sell them online
12. Sell instruments after a live performance
13. Create a premium fan club and sell premium or annual subscriptions
14. Sell Merch online through your own website
15. Go on tours and sell albums and other items
16. Perform in someone’s living room and sell tickets to the event

Another consideration musicians must keep in mind is it all comes down to the same old challenge… do I have the skills or determination to accomplish this by myself, and can I make a substantial living. For the average person, that question just might turn them away, convincing themselves they don’t have what it takes for up till now, only a few have been successful compared to the thousands of musicians in America. 

So back to David’s article – the idea of making money from recorded music is as he puts it, “… is so 20th century. Suck it up and move on.” Oh? And where do we move on to? David makes a great point… if no one can make money from recordings, then why spend the money on making them? Why are so many artists living in what could only be defined as a mad, mad, mad, mad world – where artists spend most of their “hard earned money” hoping for a miracle in being discovered. It’s like purchasing a lottery ticket – what are the odds of winning? What are the odds of being discovered? And if the musician has limited resources by which to get themselves out there to begin with, then the odds are really stacked against them. Once again this comes right back around to what was stated above, “can they do it on their own?” Of course not! No one can do it on their own. But we know many will try.

Loss Leader. What’s that?

Music basically has become a loss leader. What is that? When you see a store advertise a ridiculously cheap price on an item, that price usually draws or “leads” people into that store. That item is what’s known as a “loss leader”. The store knows they will be losing money when people purchase that one item but they are banking on the odds that people will purchase other items while in the store. Well, if musicians are no longer able to make a living off just their music, but their music is what draws people to them giving them exposure, popularity and often times “credibility”, then how else will musicians make money off their music? They have the draw, what else can they do to capitalize on their talent? Their music has successfully drawn people to them, but there is no real money to be made in selling music so therefore their music has become a loss leader. So how then can the artist capitalize on their talent and obvious popularity? 

In this new world of digital recordings, music is now being used to draw or lead people into purchasing services and/or products at many different levels. But who benefits? According to David, the world of streaming services is taking its toll on the music industry and musicians. No matter how many different ways people talk about the music industry, it has remained a dog-eat-dog world… but what if there was a way musicians could use this dog-fighting mentality to their advantage? Well it all has to do with Leveraging.

Leverage – How to make money and increase odds for getting noticed

So there are two “basic” areas which bands or artists are focusing:
1. Making enough money so they can concentrate on those areas to increase their chances of getting discovered 
2. Becoming successful in the Music Industry

Up to this point we have pointed out the good, the bad and the ugly surrounding the music industry but these challenges are certainly not unique to this industry alone. All industries have very similar issues but don’t we all work hard at whatever endeavor we elect to overcome challenges? Challenges can be overcome by working smarter, not necessarily harder. And when it comes to working smarter, that includes learning how to leverage.

The point is, we either leverage, or we are leveraged. If we work for someone they are actually leveraging us hence we are being leveraged – we have far less control over our life and too often work hard when leveraged. If on the other hand we take control by working for ourselves, we then put ourselves into the power to leverage. So how does that work and where can musicians go to take advantage of leveraging? Don’t they have to have a large network and resources at their fingertips in order to leverage? The answer is yes, networking is probably the most important feature or asset which is enjoyed mostly by successful businesses, agencies, and yes, even record labels. At the beginning, small businesses, startup businesses, entrepreneurs will not normally have those assets, but eventually they will have to cultivate and build those resources if they too want to become successful. But what if… what if for the very first time musicians are able to tap into and leverage those very same resources normally found within the traditional business world? Resources were musicians are able to operate on a level playing field, capable in taking advantage of and leverage networks, resources and even advanced technology?

That is precisely what Conquer Entertainment, a division of Market America and SHOP.COM, has accomplished by creating a paradigm shift within the music industry, and to be honest all industries. This shift allows artists to maximize their potential to select who they wish to become a spokesman for, what products they wish to endorse while leveraging technology in a laser effective landing zone for fans to meet, interact, socialize, and share their experiences with music, events, videos, products and services. People love to share, and rather than musicians vying for an extremely limited piece of the pie in music sales, they can bask in a sea of fans who will talk about their own lives, experiences, and challenges and share solutions. More often than not, those solutions can and are available through the artist’s platform, and with proper training, support, and guidance musicians are able to provide their fanbase with unequaled solutions which will pay dividends above and beyond artist’s expectations. Not by trying to sell people, but through the art of leveraging technology, along with an environment of networks and consumers thirsty for great deals, great music, and a wide selection of “valuable” solutions.

At a recent event in Atlanta, Ga, a Conquer Entertainment artist, Walter Finley, showed us just how it’s done… not by trying to sell anyone anything, but simply telling a true story about challenges and costs, and the solutions he found and what he personally got out of it. It was a brilliant example in just how musicians can turn their lives around.

The BIG TAKEAWAY – Equal Opportunity for Everyone!

The biggest takeaway from all of this? What do labels, managers, publicists, or any of the many service providers within the music industry do as business owners? What is their main focus? Isn’t it about making money? They provide services to musicians, to fans, and even to businesses who pay endorsement deals. So if these heavy hitters in the industry can do it, what’s wrong with musicians having an opportunity in becoming an “equal” partner? Nothing! But here is the real payoff from the brilliance of what Conquer Entertainment did within the business world; there are no losers – the opportunity is equal for everyone. Service providers can leverage the exact same way as artists and vice versa. Now that is brilliant marketing which is what Market America is, a product brokerage company that specializes in “matching” products to people, and people to products. A company that, through their genius marketing strategy has enjoyed over 22 years of continual growth, and by their actions and forward thinking there is no reason to believe that will change anytime soon. They continue to make it profitable for everyone who takes advantage and leverage their networks, their enormous buying power, their resources, their technology, their services, their training, and the list goes on and on. In other words, everyone wins, and in the entertainment industry, the sound of making money, (caching, caching) is music to their ears.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Isn't What We All Want in Life is a Shot?

How often do we see stories about musicians struggling to make it in music industry. Many are working hard in jobs and professions just to make ends meet, spinning their wheels and all to often giving up before making it. If that isn't enough of a challenge, they are bombarded daily by negativity and people putting them down with notions they are never going to make it in the music industry. Yet, with all that they continue to produce amazingly beautiful music. It's in their genes, their DNA, that makes them special... but aren't we all special? I often marvel at one artist just outside Atlanta, Ga., Sharetta Nicole, who has an amazing voice, spirit and writing talent. Her music is uplifting, inspirational and reminds me the importance in never giving up. She is determined to get her shot!

Another person who's story is inspirational is that of Jason MCElwain. Below is the video of this amazing boy who doesn't believe in giving up... but that was never in his DNA. Born with Autism, Jason McElwain, nicknamed J-Mac, refused to ever let his condition pull him down. As a result, at the last game of the season in 2006, Coach Jim Johnson of the Greece Athena High School basketball team gave J-Mac a shot of a lifetime. You have to watch the video to get the full impact of this incredible once-in-a-lifetime opportunity many wish they could have in life. Why bring up this incredible story? All too often in life people are told what they cannot do even when they have no disability to start with. And for musicians, they seem to get it even more given the state of the industry.

When negatives are injected into our lives, paralysis, negativity, and doubt takes hold – disabling us from ever taking that shot in life, or from becoming a functional member of society. Look around and see how many people are telling others they are insignificant, victims, have no chance in life, or that they can never make it for one reason or another – why is that? Is it so people will become dependent on those spewing forth such deceitful falsehoods and fabrications? 

But this is not the intent or focus of this article, rather it is just the opposite because as Jason proved to the world, we all want a shot in life and can have it, but we have to work at it before it can become a reality. There “must” be a desire, a passion – our reason why must be strong. Jason’s passion was in basketball, and nothing was going to take his focus off of what he loved. But there was also another ingredient to J-Mac’s successful story, one that was never mentioned and is probably even more important. Jason never expected he would ever get a shot on the court, but he did because he made himself “invaluable” to the team, his coach, his school. The key word here is “invaluable”!

As I look back over my 40+ years in the work force, I often think about how fortunate I was in never having to actually search for a job. My mother-in-law would always comment on how “lucky” I was. As I discovered later in life, luck would have never been there had I not always strived to be the best at whatever I did. Someone once told me to ensure I made myself “invaluable”, for whomever I worked for or whatever I did. That valuable piece of wisdom never left me and became my focus with every assignment, mission, and job tasked, group or company I worked with or for. The other key ingredient for my success was I always kept my eyes and ears opened. I was always keen on finding solutions to challenges whether it be for companies or individuals. People sought me out because I constantly sought solutions for problems, an extremely invaluable asset to have around. 

So what’s the point? Actually there are two… 
Having Passion and Being Invaluable are Two Key Ingredients for Success!

Putting all of this into perspective within the context of the entertainment community may seem difficult if not impossible - or does it. We see many singers and bands displaying a “true” passion for their art, and they do sincerely want to have a successful music career – but what’s holding them back?  Could it be that passion is just not enough? If that’s the case then what’s missing? And how does being invaluable play into the musicians successful career?

Let’s look at the definition of Invaluable:
  • Valuable beyond estimation as in Priceless (providing invaluable assistance)
  • Having Value too great to measure.
J-Mac certainly displayed that very important ingredient of being the “invaluable” member of his basketball team. He became their manager, brought the team whatever was needed, and was the team’s and fan’s inspiration. His part was anything but insignificant and no one was going to convince him he was never going to be successful at anything. But for whatever reason, the coach decided to have J-Mac suit up for the final game of the season… and what happened next not only was unexpected, but astonished everyone (again, watch the video below).

Musicians bring music to our ears… and depending on the beat, and/or song’s message, it can be uplifting, soothing, depressing, stimulating, joyful, and so on. Until the advent of the internet and digital downloads, musicians never had to really think about or focus on their music career so long as they had a good label supporting them. Their music was enjoyed by fans everywhere. Back then labels were everywhere. The artist was able to concentrate on their music letting their manager, publicists, label and other service providers do all the work because there was plenty of money to go around from the sale and distribution of “physical” records, albums, and in later years CD’s. These “resources” were invaluable to the musician and their fans – how else would the world have known about the Beatles, the Rolling Stone, the Beach Boys, etc. But things changed with the advent of the internet, social media outlets, and digital downloads. All of a sudden, these resources were no longer invaluable to the artist, rather they became a liability. Their value was lost because the artist now had to pay “out of pocket” for the same services but without “physical” sales. Musicians were having to go out and find other means in generating income to pay for these once "invaluable" services and resources, and in recent years it seems musicians began believing their chances for that shot in life had vanished. But has it?

Keeping an open mind and looking for solutions to challenges should be a natural practice each of us strive for. Human beings have, over all other species of life, the ability of thinking and acting to overcome challenges with solutions. Having the ability to seek out answers and solutions when faced with challenges adversity is what propels people to success. Contrary to popular belief, there has never been a more exciting time in history not only for musicians, but everyone associated within the music industry including fans. Where one door closes others open. Yes, we may have seen the end of an era of records and tape recordings, but there is a beautiful new era of unparalleled opportunities available at every artist’s finger tips… INVALUABLE opportunities.

When it comes to identifying solutions, it is important in identifying the right solution for the right problem. Albert Einstein once said
“If I were given one hour to save the planet, I would spend 59 minutes defining the problem and one minute resolving it,” 
Musicians can probably be placed into two categories, Hobbyist or Pro… so which are you? This actually brings up a great article I read by Kevin Breuner in Music Marketing and Online Promotion. He quoted Katie Taylor
"The core challenge we are facing right now (as artists) is the need to get people to see art as WORK that should be compensated."
It is after all OK to make money as a musician, even if you are a hobbyist - but for a Pro it is absolutely imperative. Probably the first challenge an artist has to deal with therefore is with their own identity – do they see themselves as only part-time musicians, working at their craft only when it’s convenient, or as pros putting in the effort necessary to become a success? What is their level of commitment – do they have the real passion it takes to hurdle over all the obstacles that can come between success and failure? Do they keep their eyes and ears open for solutions, and what about that oh so important invaluable asset? If the artist is able to identify the problem, which is in making money, then what is the solution? We’re getting closer!

The right solution has become clearer as a result of understanding, appreciating, and leveraging technology. Consumers want what they want and they want it when they want it which is often now. It’s called instant gratification. It is the consumer and commerce that has moved forward in leveraging technology, so why not musicians and the entertainment industry? Advantages by consumers and commerce on the internet can be equally applied by musicians and the music industry.

Why not learn from fans? Brilliant! And that is exactly what is happening. Consumers who are also music fans, are “leading” the way for musicians and the industry in learning how to take control of their musical career. Recently, one company picked up on this brilliant concept and is turning the entire industry around. It does take time, but doing anything the right way cannot happen overnight.

Conquer Entertainment became the very first organization providing a conduit stretching across all platforms and mediums, leveling the playing field when it comes to providing resources, support, and assets necessary for success within the music industry, whether for the musician or anyone involved in the world of entertainment. And although it could be said that Conquer is the “invaluable” asset, their main goal is in “empowering” each person so they become the invaluable asset, independent and in total control. Conquer has given back to musicians the ability for ongoing residual income even bigger and more profitable than royalty income once possible so many years ago. Yes, earning substantial royalties is still possible, but at what expense? And for everyone else providing support for musicians, they have an exceptional opportunity in providing resources without over burdening artists.

The most important takeaway about Conquer Entertainment is how each person participating in the UnLabel Owner program, be it a musician, producer, manager publicist, label or anyone involved in the world of music, by default becomes indispensable. When passion collides with unequaled support, resources and solutions, having a shot in life has become a real possibility.

After all, Isn't What We All Want in Life is a Shot?
GetConquer - Get a Shot!

Friday, October 24, 2014

Search, Shop, Save & Share - A Win-Win for Everyone

This weekend is a very special weekend in the Southeast – it’s the weekend for the 2014 Southeast Regional Convention in Atlanta, Georgia. It is the one convention where UnFranchise owners have a unique opportunity in actually meeting with pioneers, movers and shakers in the UnFranchise business on a one-to-one bases; in a real unique face to face environment. It is where they get together to exchange ideas and build networks among various organizations so they may expand their business in a unique environment based upon the true meaning of word teamwork - being able to leverage an entire team of entrepreneurs from all walks of life, professions and organizations, not just people who may have a financial connection.

One take away each UnFranchise owner will experience this weekend is how to expand their business through the wonderful world of paying it forward. What does that mean? Simple, help others succeed to succeed. I have never seen any company create a complete environment of entrepreneurs dedicated in helping others succeed. The mantra can be heard across the entire spectrum… “It’s not about me, it’s about you.” What company do you know exists where there really was no competition? Where everyone is able to help each other without fear of loss? And now with the Conquer Entertainment division of Market America, that concept of leveraging has never been more welcome, not only for musicians but UnFranchise Owners and consumers.

Take this picture for example… what do you see? These are just a few of thousands of affiliates and partner stores associated with SHOP.COM that are included along with the thousands of branded products and services. Here is a great question, and something to think about. What is the common thread among consumers everywhere, UnFranchise owners, and musicians? They all make purchases on a daily, weekly and or monthly basis from one or more of stores found on SHOP.COM.

Let’s look at endorsements we see all the time from celebrities in the entertainment or sports industries. How many millions do you think are paid to celebrities to endorse their products or services? What do you think the return is on their investment to these celebrities? You can bet they are pretty small yet they still pay out the millions to popular figures. But do these celebrities believe in what they are endorsing, or is the only reason they push these brands is because of the big bucks? Do marketing firms really believe these advertisements work? They probably do to a certain extent which is why the return is so small. Chances are the celebrities could care less about the product or service they are endorsing, they just want the bucks and guess what, the consumer knows better. They are not fooled… they know it is a PAID commercial.

Now what happens when someone you know tells you about a movie they saw and “really” enjoyed. Or how about that person who has “had” troubles with an upset stomach but found something that has “really” helped them settle their stomach and tells their friend about it. What happens next? “Where do I go to get that?” That’s known as referral marketing… but usually no one is ever paid for sharing their story and experience… not until SHOP.COM came along. Now when a consumer refers a product or service, they can actually get paid cashback for sharing their story.

Now let’s look at the musician who is on the Conquer Entertainment platform… they have the unique opportunity of endorsing any product they “believe in” and when they share their story with others guess what? Not only does consumers benefit but so does the musician. And it doesn't stop there… When a fan of an artist shares with their friends the artist’s page, and purchase are made as a result, well then everyone wins. The consumer because they are getting cashback on products and services, the fan who referred the artists also receives cashback, the artist makes money, and the store selling the product receives 100% return on their marketing dollars for that sale. And yes, they even have their own "Personal" merch which is a huge benefit for everyone.

It is a different world we live in and everyone is looking for ways to save money because the economy is not as robust as it once was… and this is where these regional and national conventions are not just beneficial to UnFranchise owners because of the invaluable education they receive, but believe it or not it is extremely important for consumers as well. It is how UnFranchise owners learn how to help consumers save and take advantage of all the resources available to them, and by doing so, these entrepreneurs get rewarded for implementing the concept of “Paying it Forward.”

So the next time someone tells you to check out someone’s SHOP.COM and site, see just how these incredible consumer driven sites benefit shoppers, everyone. This is why so many are beginning to understand and come to love the term SEARCH, SHOP, SAVE, & SHARE.

And when it comes to the artists found on, go check them out. Listen to these very talented musicians, choose a song you like, purchase it and share it with others. Help support these really great artists. And if you happen to be an artist, ask me how you too can become part of the UnLabel program with GetConquer.

Friday, October 10, 2014

To Leverage, or To Be Leveraged? It's Up to You.

Today, all you need to make it in the music industry is an internet connection, a video recorder and talent — not a big record label that will take a chunk of your profits.” That is how the article started in a DailyCaller Post by Breanna Deutsch.

Do you recall who took home the “Best New Artist”, “Best New Rap Song” and the “Best Rap Album” awards at the 56th GRAMMY Awards this year? Ever heard of Macklemore and Ryan Lewis? Well obviously the fans did, but it wasn't as a result of any label.

If you look them up in Wikipedia, “Macklemore and Ryan Lewis is an American hip hop duo formed in 2009, from Seattle, Washington. The duo is composed of Ben Haggerty, a rapper who goes by the name of Macklemore and Ryan Lewis, a record producer, DJ, and professional photographer, who met the former at a photo shoot and they have significantly collaborated ever since.

So how did they do it? Well first of all, they were serious – this was their passion. Second, and even more importantly, they lived by this very simple rule “if you believe in yourself, and work extremely hard, you can make your dreams come true.” An excellent article by Brian Warner came out in January of this year, before the GRAMMY’s, titled “Macklemore Believed in Himself, Told Major Labels to Screw Off, Then Got Rich On His Own Terms”. I know, a long title but it made me want to read the article… and what did I learn? Nothing I didn't already know, but something everyone should and once again confirms what all the greats have ever done with passion and hard work. But it takes not only passion and a deep desire to accomplish something, it takes hours and hours of practice to become good at whatever one takes on in life. No matter who you are or what industry you pursue or profession you undertake, the only way to become an expert is through hours and hours of practice or focused work.

Anyone can make it on their own just like Maklemore and Ryan Lewis, but they are the exception not the rule. Sadly most people simply will not do what it takes to become really successful for any number of reasons; perhaps they lack the will, passion or drive… or it could be they are just not as confident and are afraid of taking risks. Are there easier ways to reach the level of success like with Maklemore and Ryan Lewis? That would depend on your definition of “easier”. For certain there are resources available to help artists to succeed within the music industry that are far more reliable, accessible and with less risk involved. With the success of any musician, and making millions is certainly one measure of success, what does the future hold for them? Will they be able to keep their millions?

Looking back through the history of musicians who made millions, how many went on to become successful business owners in order to reap the rewards of their hard work for the rest of their lives, and how many blew through their millions only to go back playing in night clubs? Not many musicians I know made their millions in a few short years and were able to sit back in luxury enjoying it for the rest of their lives… come to think of it, I don’t know any. Those who succeeded in the music industry, or whatever endeavor they took on after their initial success, did so by leveraging off of their initial success by evolving into business owners themselves. The operative word here is leveraging. They decided not to “be” leveraged.

The music industry has evolved because technology forced it to, and the fans love it. Live streaming over the internet with no commercials is “the” game changer. No commercial music, think about that for a moment. What roll in the music industry did commercials have? Well where did money come from for artists to get known back in the hay day of AM/FM radio with disc jockeys pushing an artist’s music? Commercials. And who aired commercials? Companies pushing products and/or services.

Companies paid millions of dollars to get the word out to the millions of fans and listeners on their favorite radio station. Musicians were being “leveraged” and it was alright by the musicians because they were getting noticed and receiving really good money on those record deals. Unfortunately those days are over which is why musicians today have to become smarter and learn how to leverage rather than be leveraged, and that is what sparked the inspiration and eventually the concept of Conquer Entertainment. Amanda Ridinger (CEO of Conquer Entertainment) came up with a solution with developing services, resources and a network of supporting entrepreneurs and professionals enabling artists to become successful business owners and leveraging their own talent and music. That’s brilliant. But it is the savvy musician or individuals in the music industry able to embrace and leverage this exceptional option that will become the brilliant ones. I use the word option because unless the right course of action is taken, the results will always remain the same. Everyone has the option in taking responsibilities and action in every aspect of their lives.

I remember recently meeting up with a new Conquer Artist by the name of Mark McKinney who made  the comment, and I have to paraphrase, I can change my sponsor every week if I choose or elect to change which product I will endorse as often as I want. He knows his fanbase loves who and what he is and they not only follow him, but they believe in his endorsements. Mark is leveraging technology, social media, and services available to him. When an artist is that good, teams up with the right people and company, they take charge over their music career and the ability to leverage off of those very same companies market those products and services back in the hay day. Artists also have the knowledge that they can “literally” pay it back to their fanbase. Ever hear of Cashback? Yep, it’s a marketing strategy many companies have instituted but no one has incorporated it better than Conquer Entertainment and SHOP.COM. It really is a win-win-win for everyone.

Who knows, it just might be that the next big GRAMMY winner is an UnLabel Owner with Conquer Entertainment. And what do you think would happen if Macklemore and Ryan Lewis were to ever team up with Conquer? The world would change for a whole lotta folks.

Remember, celebrities started out just like everyone else… one step at a time. What’s your next step? It could be as simple as GetConquer. To Leverage or To Be Leveraged... which would you prefer?

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Musicians' - You Too are a Business!

In business today, branding is even more important than in the past. In a Forbes magazine article "Why Brand Building is Important” the entire piece wrapped up with this simple yet profound observation:
In today’s world, branding is more important than ever. But you can’t simply build a brand like they did in the old days. You need a cultural movement strategy to achieve kinetic growth for your brand. With that, the sky’s the limit.


How many times have you seen the Capital One commercial with two beautiful babes running on the beach with a very happy Viking, or the Viking getting double miles with an airline? At the end of each commercial is the line everyone now remembers: "What's in Your Wallet?"

Rather catchy isn't it. When you hear that phrase you know exactly the subject matter and the company. You have to admit, it is a brilliant "Branding" strategy!

Having a catchy line and hearing it over, and over again at the end of every commercial does indeed have a significant impact. Eventually, the question and the company behind it becomes engrained into our minds. Branding is one of the most important marketing strategy for any business.

With that said, how important is branding for the musician? Well, if the goal is to actually make money within the industry they love, then it's very important. And if so, then the musician should have a better understanding in just how it all comes together. Unlike a business such as was used above where Capital One is branding a product or line of services, a musician is branding their lifestyle or themselves, and as such their approach will be different however, the outcome is the same - exposure to create a following.

Here is singer, Cheryl Cole, who got a great endorsement deal with Coca Cola. So how did she get that? Through hard work, finding ways of exposing her talent, and by branding herself with a strong presence in fashion. Of course it didn't hurt that she is extremely beautiful and had connections but the bottom line, branding and endorsing is how money is made in today's entertainment industry. But not everyone can get such a fabulous and lucrative endorsement gig like coke however, anyone can create their own success through endorsing... but it all comes down to branding.

You Too are a Business!

The objective of a business is to make a profit. The music industry is still a multi-billion dollar industry - and who makes up the music industry? Here is the challenge; if we were to go out and ask artists trying to break into the music industry if they consider themselves business owners, most likely a large percentage would not consider themselves as such. Most have "part-time" jobs and up till now have only been interested in getting together with friends at after hour gigs or at special events on weekends. But when that decision is made to engage and pursue their dreams of making it in the music industry, everything changes and they must now get serious. Musicians must begin thinking like any business owner and become intimately familiar of that very important marketing component, Personal Branding. But part- or full-time, all musicians should consider themselves as business owners.

Concerts and selling merchandise at events is one way of making money, but it can be costly in time and money. If at all possible, the musician wants to avoid trial and error in this area which brings us to the topic of leveraging the element of branding.
So what's so important about branding?  It's part of leveraging and making a "profit"!

Personal Branding - Business - Monetizing

If seriously pursuing a music career, it is important for musicians to understand just how critical personal branding is and how to "monetize" their brand. There is no need to go into great detail here, searching the web for monetizing your brand will pull up plenty of information on ways to build and monetizing one's brand however the challenge comes to play when a musician has never thought about or implemented this aspect of their business - where do they begin and who do they trust?

No matter what industry one develops a business in, it is critical to have either past experience, or partner up with someone, organization or company that not only has the experience but also a tried and true track record of success. For musicians this is especially important, but even more importantly, there should be a partnership where there is either little or no cost or "risk" to the musician. It is called leveraging.  Everywhere they turn, musicians find service providers and resources willing and able to assist them - but at what cost? Who is leveraging who? The objective is to make money, not spend more money. If monetizing "The Brand" is the objective, then developing a mutual relationship with the right resources needs to be the strategic plan. And to be clear, strategic planning is defining the strategy, or direction, and making decisions on allocating the best resources in pursuant of that strategy.

Personal Branding is not the only choice available, and should not be the only option a musician must rely upon - but what other options are available if an endorsement option is not available from major brands? One smart musician I recently had the pleasure of meeting explained it this way... I can identify and select what product or line of products that meets my approval. I choose who will be my sponsor and I can make changes in my sponsorship's as often as I choose. My fans trust me and know whatever product I endorse they can trust. Plus they get paid for supporting me with cashback value. Now that's leveraging!

When partnering with superstar companies and resources, the musician is put in a position where they drastically increase their chances of success. Those odds increase dramatically when they partner up with a company having the ability to bob and weave with changes in technology and the marketplace; a company having mastered the knack of agility and creativity - being able to continually improvise and improve. I like what Jazz musician Josh Linkner said in an interview with Creative Leadership Forum when asked "What can business owners learn from jazz musicians?"
More than anything, it’s the ability to improvise. Improvisation in the business world used to be nice to have. It’s gone from a “nice to have” to a “need to have.” The world is now moving so quickly, things are so complex, and our environment is so competitive that there’s no such thing as just following an operating manual—like there used to be—in order to win. Today, people at all levels really need to improvise. I think that jazz musicians by definition are the masters of improvisation. 

The Magical Bag

Does anyone remember the Granny Goose commercial? The question is asked, "Whats in the bag Goose?" In the saddlebag was a bag of Granny Goose Potato Chips. This commercial is another example of a great marketing strategy for exposing a brand, and in this case a bag of potato chips. A competitor, Lay's, came out with just as catchy an advertising campaign "Bet you can't eat just one!"

Back then marketing strategies were limited to only a few media outlets so marketing strategies found in their tool bag, or bag of tricks, were considerably limited. Well musicians too have their own bag of tricks, only these are tools and resources assisting in their marketing and exposing all aspects of their business.

The number and types of resources and tools available today are nothing less than mind boggling. Check out this bag of tricks as reported by "16 Essential Business Tools For Musicians". The tools and resources listed are only some of what's out there and most, if not all, costs money. Which tools are needed and how in the world can anyone best evaluate which one is the best, most efficient and cost effective to use? All of these tools provide specific functions musicians use to market and promote themselves - some even come with a real person however, the support provided are for the tools and/or services not for assisting or guiding the artist in successfully fulfilling their ultimate goal.

But what if there was a platform bringing multiple resources together on one site so fans didn't have to hunt around for their music, for their video, for posts on Facebook and Twitter, for their favorite band's events, for what's been happening, to interact with other fans and friends... what if it was all in one location? And what if that platform came with unlimited "human" assets with which to learn from, to brainstorm with, to navigate through all the traps that can be hazardous to any business owner or musician? Now that would be an invaluable asset. That would be leveraging.

That is exactly what Conquer Entertainment has done... and with their current platform it is only the beginning. They continue to stay on top of technology in order to ensure musicians have all the latest tools and resources at their fingertips. And artists benefit how? By simply plugging into an incredible network of fellow musicians and business owners... yes, even managers, publicists, studios and other businesses can plug into Conquer. These businesses have the most to benefit from... rather than make money off of musicians, they make money by helping musicians. That's a win-win for everyone.

Pulling it all Together

Just recently TC ( announced "The Music Industry is About To Change..." When you read the article it once again brings up the same old challenge within the music industry which is the focus continues to be on well known artists, not the unknown starving musician. I recently was talking with an artist who I believe will one day be a huge success given his talented and masterful singing approach to women similar to Frank Sinatra, only in the R&B genre. He told me unless you're already a known super star, it is hard to make it in the music industry... you have to be lucky. I do agree however, one has to make their own luck. Luck comes with a clear focus, hard work, and great people surrounding them in order to get oneself out there. No one can do that by themselves, it takes teamwork in a "Team" environment.

The music industry is not about to change, it has already changed, and what has been needed are tools and resources specifically designed in helping that unknown starving musician; the musician who wants to make it in the music industry; the dreamer who's ambition it is to someday get their music noticed and really become a success. It's this class of musician and entertainer we focus on, who we speak to, who we educate and develop. It is this group that searches for answers and seeks solutions that we take the time and effort in finding the right solution... for it is all about them. But what makes this an incredible solution in an industry filled with risk and uncertainty is a company that has brought the ability for musicians, and literally anyone in the music industry, the power of leveraging.

Remarkably it is not the consumer that foots the bill, it's not the artist who pays for something they cannot afford, nor does it cost the Conquer Entertainment Artist Developers in supporting musicians and their business. It's the thousands of affiliates and partner stores supporting all these resources found with Conquer Entertainment that empowers musician to leverage the power of Personal Branding. Musicians are indeed business owners... and unlike anytime in history, these artists have someone looking over them so they may continue making our world a better place to live in with great music... or at the very least, like my father used to tell me, noise to keep me awake while driving.

Branding Your Style - With our partnership with internet shopping site, SHOP.COM, every artist has the ability to create what are called "trend shops". This allows artists to showcase their favorite brands, clothing or otherwise, and gives their fans a preview into their world and lifestyle. For each purchase an artist fan makes through the artist's trend, artists receive points that add up to commissions. For more information about Conquer Entertainment, go to Explore Conquer

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Stretching the Boundaries

I just read an excellent interview with Matt Still by Plugin-Alliance, and if you do not know who Matt Still is, he is a Grammy Award winning Producer, Engineer, and Mixer here in Atlanta who has worked with a number of outstanding artists including Elton John.

In his interview, one particular question Matt answered hit the nail squarely on the head when it comes to stagnation vs growth. Matt was asked “…how did you balance the desire to create a new sound with audience expectations…

Matt’s answer provides a little insight to his success and the success for others who follow what could be called the Golden Rule for Growth.
One of the great things about Andre and Big Boi is that they always stretch the boundaries. They don't allow themselves to be constrained by expectations. If you give people what they expect, then you've given them nothing new.” 
What is the takeaway? If one stops to analyze some of the reasons behind Market America’s (ma) massive success, the most obvious would be the implementation of ingenuity and creativity. For anyone who has been around ma for any length of time, they will tell you there is nothing stagnant about this company. Each and every 6 months the world is introduced to new ideas, new technologies, new innovations, and most importantly, better solutions.

And it's not just with ma in general, this ideology is carried throughout each and every division within ma, especially Conquer Entertainment. And there is no better example of that than with what we have seen accomplished through the leadership of Jorgen Bailey and everyone involved with the GetConquer platform.

And it does not stop there... with the direction they are heading, the sky is the limit. Conquer Entertainment certainly will not only revolutionize the music industry, but by empowering musicians with the ability to leverage technology and the massive ma network of people, affiliates, associations, and partnerships, this division, and the entire company, will make it virtually impossible for anyone involved not to profit within the entertainment industry. The only word of caution... don't be a vegetable... in other words, don't be a couch potato watching the boob tube and the world pass by. Continue to grow... continue to help others grow... remember, it's not about you, it's about who you help.

I like what Matt Still said in his interview... "I'm not in this to be a rock star." Matt is down to earth and a very humble person who comes across genuinely interested in helping others. I know, I saw him in person on a panel just a few months ago answering questions from an audience filled with people involved within the industry. He is genuine and people absolutely love and respect him! That is what is needed in the entertainment industry... real people providing real solutions to real problems. It's about staying the course... staying on course, never waver from a commitment to excellence, and always, ALWAYS, continue stretching the boundaries of growth. GetConquer anyone?

Below is an interview with two individuals who have been very instrumental in the development of Conquer Entertainment. Great insight into what makes this group of entrepreneurs tic.

Monday, September 8, 2014

The Whole is Greater than the Sum of its Parts

The great philosopher, scientist, and author, Aristotle is credited with the quote “The Whole is Greater than the Sum of its Parts”. But what does that mean? Depending on who you are talking with and the subject matter, it can have a wide range of meanings or perspectives. Working with Conquer Entertainment as a Certified Artist Developer, a position having responsibilities unlike anything within the entertainment industry, we often find it challenging for musicians to understand what is important in their career. What do we do, and how does Conquer fit into their life? The music industry has dramatically changed and as a result so must the thinking and action of the musician, as well as anyone involved within the music and entertainment industry. All too often the challenge is that service providers continue to do business as usual because for them nothing has changed; they still have to survive and it has always been off the backs of successful musicians. Unfortunately, these artists are no longer making the money they once did since profits from the sale of records and albums are a thing of the past. 
Quite a quandary this has become! How does an artist make money in order to pay all these different service providers?
So what do we have here? Unfortunately, it's what is normally referred to as a “dog eat dog” environment – but it does not have to which brings us back to Conquer Entertainment. You see, Amanda Ridinger (CEO of Conquer Entertainment) has always loved music which is why she studied music and the industry in college. Amanda surrounded herself with musicians and people associated with the entertainment industry and it was during this time she saw firsthand just how much the industry had changed through recent years and how profits from of the sale of records no longer existed for musicians. What was worse, costs for needed support and services remained and continued to rise... it was a vicious circle. And then it happened, Amanda had an epiphany… 
Rather than making money off of musicians, why not make money by helping musicians.
Pretty forward thinking and idea from someone who, at that time, had no experience in either business or the music industry however, by being surrounded by a successful entrepreneurial father, an entire entrepreneurial family, and hungry musicians, it was a natural deduction; a logical conclusion to the question why can’t musicians also make money from “their” passion. But where does it all begin? From an idea. And how do ideas transform into reality? By taking action and so Conquer Entertainment was born. 

It has been a slow process. Were mistakes made? Naturally! This was a venture, a course of action, a challenge which had never been taken, even by those within the industry who interestingly enough were best positioned to make changes given they were the professionals who knew just how the industry was changing, and why. Ironically, in talking with a few people who did have remarkable success within the industry, they admitted there were indeed significant acknowledgment and appreciation as to the challenges facing their industry, and ideas were thrown around as to what could be done however, no one could come up with ideas beneficial for musicians. It was not because of intentionally mean or despicable executives or service providers, it was simply because the mindset was stuck on what used to work. There were no fresh ideas, no one was able to think “outside the box”. So, even those having great and prosperous careers within the music industry made mistakes. With any endeavor, mistakes are just part of the process and are not in themselves bad so long as lessons are learned and built upon to create successful solutions, which was exactly Amanda’s mission.

After my weekend at a magnificent “fairytale” wedding with some very talented people, I myself had an epiphany… just what exactly did Amanda create? Wow! Has anyone really sat down and seriously thought about and fully understood the profound impact her idea could actually have on the music industry? Aristotle’s quote “The Whole is Greater than the Sum of its Parts” hit me like a ton of bricks. But how could I explain it? Then I came across a brilliant answer and through their analogy to a question What does it mean "the whole is greater than the sum of its parts"? the answer became obvious. In using the automobile as an analogy, it provided the perfect explanation to Amanda's idea, what she created, and the immense impact it will have for everyone within this industry. 

“…the 'whole' car is a combination of many 'parts,' with things like the carburetor, the fuel pump, the steering wheel, the seats, the motor, and so on being the 'parts' which work or function or interrelate together to make up the car which you drive in. You cannot take a drive somewhere with just one or a few 'parts' of the car, but you can drive somewhere in the 'whole' car... In other words, the 'parts' aren't just put together helter-skelter. Each part in and of itself has its own function, and it is the unique combination of the functions of the parts which, in turn, creates an altogether new function that didn't exist before the parts were put together, that new function being that of the 'whole.' Actually, 'organized systems' like this, wherein functions of parts interrelate together to form new functions…” (Notice the various companies whose parts were used in the making of this vehicle?)

I want to bring to your attention what I consider the operative word “function”.

It is not uncommon for service providers to sell musicians the idea they are “the vehicle” that will propel the artist to success. However, this could not be further from the truth. Service providers are a part, not the whole, as too is Conquer Entertainment – for unlike the car, these services are merely parts which should efficiently function together to make up the whole which in this analogy was the car. And, we all know a car is also described as a “Vehicle”. So, in actuality it is the entertainer or musician which is the “Vehicle” meaning it is the Musician that is the “Whole” which IS Greater than the Sum of all their Parts. What Amanda did was brilliantly put together an infrastructure and an environment allowing musicians the art of leveraging, a function never before given the musician, allotting them an opportunity which up to now never existed. An environment allowing any service provider to become parts of the Vehicle which everyone can enjoy riding to success on. It is a win-win for everyone. 

It is not just the manager, the publicist, the makeup artist, the songwriter, the promoter, the recording studio, the hair dresser, the image consultant, the endorsements, the personal branding, the fans, social media or platforms that “singularly” makes the musician successful. It’s the ability for the entertainer to effectively and efficiently integrate all of these resources into a cohesive functioning infrastructure that propels their future. And it was the brilliant brainchild of Amanda Ridinger, along with her father and a cast of literally thousands that are changing the music industry in a positive way, and not just for the musicians alone, but for everyone involved in this very “sexy” entertainment industry. How true it is that "Conquer Entertainment IS revolutionizing the way music — and all forms of entertainment — is marketed, produced and ultimately delivered to the end consumer."

Wittingly or not, Amanda embraced Aristotle theory which even transcend into the world of entertainment... 

“The Whole is Greater than the Sum of its Parts” 

Enjoy one of our Conquer Entertainers Michelle Bailey performing with the Judge Talford Band

For more information about Conquer and a list of our artist can be found on our Conquer Entertainment platform

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

"Unbelievable" More than a song on Conquer Entertainment!

Conquer Entertainment artist Justina, is more than just a pretty face, she is the face of the amazing division within Market America. Being one of the first artists to come on board with Amanda Ridinger, CEO & Founder of Conquer Entertainment, she has put in more than blood, sweat and tears... she has poured in all of her God given talent and marketing skills... and it's paying off. Just coming off Van's Warped Tour 2014, Justina continues to lead the parade of entertainers showing just how an unknown artist can make it if there is the will to become successful in the music industry with a business partner dedicated in leveling the playing field (no puns intended) for dedicated artists like herself. If you were to ask her, Justina will tell you it is not easy, but it certainly is a breeze compared to racking your head against all odds by yourself. Most musicians have no one they can turn to... until now.

It is unbelievable in so many different ways! Where else can a musician turn for unparalleled support if they are willing to put in the hard work where rewards equal the input; no where in the music industry, or any job as far as that goes, gives someone that level of control over their destiny.

It's not just about her singing, it's about everything she puts together... it's all about leveraging. It's about leveraging all of the many Market America business assets including, the UnFranchise business, the many "specialized" websites each UnFranchise and UnLabel owners have at their fingertips, it's the training's, the multiple areas of support, the field, THE LOVE... and the list goes on and on.

This is a just released short of a typical behind the scenes look into Justina preparing to film another video. One takeaway gleaned from this video is the branding, and in Justina's case, it's the cosmetic line she uses. The success of Motives doesn't come from from our Conquer Entertainment artists alone; it comes from an enormousness Social Media Blitz which has taken Motives by surprise... or did it? For example, there isn't a day that goes by where Motives isn't talked about on Pinterest... the social media is all the buzz about this amazing product line which is FAST becoming an important and intricate part of the entertainment industry.    

And when it came to marketing... did she ever learn fast! 

Two of Justina's mentors, Tony & Michele Molinaro, themselves marketing geniuses who even before they discovered Market America, the UnFranchise and the increasingly popular online shopping site, SHOP.COM, had been extremely successful in the world of internet marketing as well as a very successful restaurant in New York. And there are many more resources which Conquer Entertainment artists can glean information from. Many of the Certified Artist Developers are willing to help unknown artists, but there is a very simple requirement... show effort.

With the launch of the new platform last year, artists were for the first time able to interact with fans never before possible; they could not only share and sell their music, but share and sell personal items directly out of their own personal SHOP.COM site which is directly linked to their GetConquer site. For the first time artists were able to select major brands of clothing, jewelry, music equipment, perfumes and colones, energy drinks and bars or just about anything from literally millions of items to choose from. They no longer needed a company to partner with for an endorsement arrangement, only need to go through their SHOP.COM site and endorse whoever or whatever product they wish by showcasing the items on their GetConquer page. But when the next version of the software is released (any day now), GetConquer is going to bring a whole new level of services and conveniences never seen on any site... it will be on Steroids. No secrets will be divulged... but fans are going to love interacting with each other and their artists like never before.

The hits will keep on coming... not just for Justina, but the many musicians serious about their craft and are either lucky enough to come across, or who actively seeks out, a Certified Artist Developer with Conquer Entertainment and just like Justina, becomes the next Unbelievable Conquer Entertainer.

For more videos, and songs, visit Justina's Conquer Entertainment Page.

For more information about Conquer Entertainment, 
visit Explore Conquer or contact Bruce I. Swartz @

Motives for LA LA... What is Used Behind the Scenes

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Interview with Motives® Creative Director Coordinator Christian Vazquez

Our Motives team is busy gearing up for International Convention next month, so it was lucky that we were able to get 5 quick minutes with Motives Creative Director Coordinator Christian Vazquez to discuss beauty, social media strategy and working for Market America. Read on for his interview and a preview of what’s to come from Motives during this year's International Convention!
What’s your favorite part about working with a cosmetics line?

It’s amazing to see the impact Motives has on people, its a very empowering line and it is changing lives daily.

What is your favorite Motives product?

My favorite product is the Motives Mavens Element Palette, I played a intricate role in the creation of this product so it has always felt like my baby.

What is the best way to get someone who loves MAC or Smashbox to try our products?

I feel once people are exposed to our products, they are sold! We have the best custom formulation and quality on the market. Just let it touch someone’s skin and they are sold!!

What are you most excited about for MAIC 2014?

We have something HUGE we are unveiling that will change the Motives brand forever!

Can you share 3 ways you think social media has impacted the growth and success of Motives?

Social Media has shown Motives in a brand new light. First, it gives artist the ability to create and show Motives in actual application, which in my eyes is even better than seeing the products or colors in a catalog. Social Media has also taken our brand recognition through the roof! You can’t log on Instagram without seeing a Motives post, and that is huge for us. We have also had the privilege of partnering with some of the most amazing makeup artists in the world, and their loyalty and product knowledge is unmatched.

What is the best part about partnering with the Motives Mavens?

To work with such a talented group is always a pleasure. They have such a strong grasp on the products in the market and the pros and cons of each, that their ideas have taken our products to the next level.

Do you have a social media strategy?

I think consistency and the way you present yourself is key. If people do not believe and buy into you they won’t buy your products.

Thank you, Christian, for taking a few minutes out of your busy day to sit down with the social media team! We in the field can’t wait to see all of the new products and new changes at MAIC 2014!

One of the great advantages in having so many different professional divisions to work with, we have an unparalleled opportunity in teaming up with folks across different industries. And what better match for the beauty, makeup and cosmetics than integrating with the entertainment industry. That is exactly what we are doing with Conquer Entertainment and Motives. It's a beautiful marriage.

Get general information at Explore Motives or specific information about Motives Beauty Advisor, Motives Pro Artist Program, and/or Motives & Me Teen Program.

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Motives - The Hottest Cosmetics Brand in the World?

Motives by Loren Ridinger, and Motives by La La have swept the internet by storm. Social media platforms like Instagram are crucial tools that allow brands to interact with their customers and fans. It’s a critical aspect of the branding process, and helps brands like Motives Cosmetics reach new people around the world. Loren and the Motives Mavens have been working hard to build a massive following for the Motives brand on Instagram, and it would be the understatement of the year to say they've been successful!

This time last year the Motives Instagram account had just a few thousand followers, but thanks to Loren’s brilliant social media strategy and the support of our amazing fans, the Motives brand now has over 787,000 loyal followers on Instagram! As the Motives Instagram page rapidly approaches the 800,000 follower mark, it is interesting to take a step back to consider just how big of an impact Motives is making on Instagram.

Motives may not be as big or as established as legendary cosmetics companies like L’Oreal, Cover Girl, Estée Lauder, or Lancôme – but that doesn't mean Motives isn’t holding their own with them on Instagram. Not only does Motives Cosmetics have a larger following than each of these incredible cosmetics companies, but Motives has a larger following on Instagram than all of these companies COMBINED!

In fact, upon a closer look at the top ten global beauty brands in the world, and what was found might shock you. As you can see in the list below, the top ten global beauty brands are huge companies that have been around for years and have generated billions in revenue. These are the biggest players in the world in terms of cosmetics and beauty, but they can’t hold a candle to Motives’ success on Instagram*:
  1. L’Oreal ($10.766 Billion) 195,303 total followers on Instagram
  2. AVON ($6.384 Billion) 76,842 total followers on Instagram
  3. Pantene ($6.163 Billion) 8,043 total followers on Instagram
  4. Nivea ($6.079 Billion) 18,095 total followers on Instagram
  5. Dove ($5.885 Billion) 11,679 total followers on Instagram
  6. Garnier ($4.809 Billion) 11,470 total followers on Instagram
  7. Estée Lauder ($4.589 Billion) 145,176 total followers on Instagram
  8. Lancôme ($4.088 Billion) 199,814 total followers on Instagram
  9. Olay ($4.083 Billion) 10,245 total followers on Instagram
  10. Johnson’s ($3.603 Billion) does not use Instagram
As you can see, if you combined the Instagram followings for all of the top ten global beauty brands they still fall short of Motives’ massive following by over 100,000 people!
Right now, Motives has the fourth largest following of any U.S. cosmetics brand on Instagram, beating out huge companies like AVON, Estée Lauder, Olay, Maybelline, Cover Girl, Max Factor, Clinique, Urban Decay, Mary Kay, and Revlon. When we say that Motives Cosmetics is the hottest brand on the internet – now you know what we are talking about!

This is absolutely phenomenal exposure for Motives and is a testament to the incredible power of social media and Motives Cosmetics. Not only has our brand gone viral, but our massive success on Instagram has resulted in hundreds of new Motives Consultants and UnFranchise Owners. Thanks to all the Motives fans who support and engage with us on Instagram – without you none of this is possible!

If you’re not following Motives Cosmetics on Instagram, you’re missing out on the hottest cosmetics brand in the world!

Information on Becoming a Motives Beauty Advisor

*Instagram numbers collected 7/2/14