Sunday, May 4, 2014

The Evolution of a Hybrid Business Model

Differentiate: What does that word mean? According to Bing Dictionary here are 3:
  1. See differences between things: to see or show the differences between two or more things
  2. Be difference: to establish a difference between two things or among several things
  3. Make or become different: to make something different or specialized by modifying it, or become different or specialized by being modified
What differentiates one business from another? Probably the best way is by proving through a successful track record just how one is better than another. According to award winning management consultant Joan Magretta, “A competitive strategy explains how you will do better than your rivals. And doing better, by definition, means being different. Organizations achieve superior performance when they are unique, when they do something no other business does in ways that no other business can duplicate.” That statement perfectly describes the UnFranchise business model.

In 1992, one person set out to make drastic changes to an out dated business model which seemed to be stagnant, a model where at one time it was possible for someone to start a business with less capital than a conventional business however, it still was not a business model that leveled the playing field where “any average” person could reasonably duplicate efforts of others.

Back in the early 60’s Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) companies were a breath of fresh air for someone who wanted to supplement their income and eventually even replace it, but only if they had the will to stay with it. However, over the year’s things changed. Advanced technology created better ways to track information, the Internet made it easier to market oneself, their products and/or services, Social Media brought people from around the globe closer; information now traveled at the speed of light. Everything was advancing except the MLM business model and industry.

JR Ridinger decided to break out of the pack and created Market America, the Mall without Walls, and the UnFranchise business model; a Product Brokerage and Internet Marketing Company specializing in One-to-One Marketing & Social Shopping. It became the business model that changed the way people shop, and leveled the playing field by changing the economic paradigm so anyone could become financially independent by creating their own economy.

Open or Closed Thinking

There is always a huge challenge with anything new such as an idea or belief… some people will have doubts… it's human nature, even going back to the days where everyone thought the Earth was flat. It is believed that Pythagoras, sometime before 500 B.C., may have been the first to propose that the Earth was round. But in our history books it was Columbus who during his time believed the Earth was round and in 1492 set out to prove it. However Columbus had to fight what today we know were “foolish beliefs” in order to get men to sail with him. And so is it true today, some people continue to doubt unless proven otherwise, but only if they have an open mind. Someone once said, the mind is like a parachute... it only works when it's open.

“You don’t want to be crippled by obsolete thinking.” 

In this 6 ½ minute video, JR briefly recalls the original genesis of his idea and how it all started, but also touches on the “Mind Set”; the challenge of having “pre conceived notions” and jumping to conclusions before getting facts. But how can anyone evaluate anything if their mind is closed before receiving information? The one question that may need to be honestly answered is: Are you Obsolete?

Only yesterday in a conversation with a woman, she admitted telling her husband when the computer first came out that the fad would not last. Now she cannot live without here computer. JR compares similarities between typewriter and the iPad or computer, the 8 track tape player and an iPod, a world map and a GPS tracking system, the Library vs Google, and the old MLM model vs the Binomial model.

So how does the Binomial Model differentiate from the old MLM models? Well there is now a great site that explains it all in great detail, but first it requires having an open mind in order to look and evaluate it. It takes someone who is not going to shut the door just because of another person’s perspective… after all, how many times has someone told you they don’t like the very same thing you like… ice cream, coffee, a movie, a car… get the point? What’s good for one may not be good for another. The Evolution of a Hybrid Business Model, the Binomial UnFranchise business has changed it all, and for anyone willing to to take the time to do their do-diligence just may create a new economy for themselves and their family.

After watching the video, you may be ready for the rest of the story... The UnFranchise Manifesto.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Tale of Two Mindsets... Which One are You?

Checking my email today I received an email from Robin Sharma, author and speaker in the field of leadership development. As with most emails from people like Robin, he was promoting a 2 day seminar entitled "The 48 Hour Transformation"... but that's not the reason for today's post. It was his message, the tale of two mindsets. Robin covers the mindset of two types of people and in his video below, Robin provides 4 ideas for people to become the best of the best in their field.

To give you the perspective of why I thought of sharing his video, allow me to share part of his email:

Yesterday I saw a woman lose hope. She was standing in front of me. In line at a store. She opened up her purse to pay for her purchase. And then asked for a lottery ticket. She scratched the numbers while the cashier waited, two humans holding their breath in hot anticipation for one of life's great surprises to come their way. But the numbers were losers and the tickets were useless. And so the woman's life remained the same; she looked visibly disappointed. The cashier, a teenager who cared more than usual, gave her a "I'm so very sorry your life didn't transform today" sort of a look. It made me think about The Tale of 2 Mindsets.

  1. The first and by far the most common is The Lottery Mindset. It's the default way of thinking of people resigned to being average. They believe that the only way to a life they love is to get lucky. To win the lottery. To have fortune fall into their laps one sunny Friday morning. 
  2. The second--and much more rare--mindset is The Mindset of Mastery. The people who run this mental story get that you don't get lucky. You create lucky. These ultra-performers get that success and prosperity and vitality and service to humanity isn't an act of coincidence, but a clearly constructed result. 
You see, we all can achieve amazing things in our lives but sadly, most of us haven't learned the strategies, tools, daily habits and tactics to rise to the personal greatness that is our truest nature:
  • You truly have been built to win and designed to wow. 
  • You truly are meant to be happy, fit, grateful, passionate, excellent and influential. 
  • You truly can achieve awesome things and make your mark on this big, brave and beautiful world we are blessed to find ourselves in. 
But far too many among us are caught in The Lottery Mindset, giving away their power to luck versus strategy, and hoping things will change versus knowing exactly what to do to make it all happen then starting their process of mastery and success. 

Please remember that life's just too short to play small with your talents, gifts and purest potential. 

Make today the day you throw off all chains, release all excuses and make a decision that will change the game for you. This is my LARGEST hope for you.

The take away is an obvious one, especially for anyone fortunate enough to be involved with successful people and entrepreneurs having a sincere desire for helping other's to succeed. Robin's message was spot on and I will bet his 2 day seminar will be sold out. He knows how to hit all the right buttons; unfortunately in today's economy, those who could probably benefit the most are likely the least able to afford the $1,497 which is the "Early Bird" price of a seat normally $5,000, and then there are hotel and transportation costs.

The message in this video is most valuable; it's to the point and without any doubt, can be exceptionally helpful for anyone wanting to know what they "should be doing" to become "super successful" in anything they do by changing their mindset. There is just one additional point I would like to share.

Everything Robin shares is true, however most people may not believe they have what it takes to have "The Mindset of Mastery". So where can they turn? Who can they get the confidence from or talk to for advice, support, or even more important, mentor-ship? It has to come from a team effort. Why do you think the old Army saying, "an army of one" never really took off like they had hoped? It really doesn't support the reality that it takes teamwork to survive, not only in the military, but in the civilian world as well. And business is no different.

So the question is... which one are you, and will the information help you?

Do something positive for yourself today and link up with someone who can mentor you if that is what it will take.