Monday, April 29, 2013

Free Web Services VS Proof-of-Concept

When searching for a "Free" service or software on the Internet: Is "Free" really free? 

What is Free?

Anytime I have searched the web for anything "Free", the results have been a mix of free and not so free. How often have we seen "free trial", or "15 day free trial", or "try it free for 30 days" – you get the picture. There are always sites that lure us in with the word "Free" when in fact the only thing free may be a trial period; in other words their services or product is "not" free. 

This is certainly the case when it comes to companies promoting “Free” Web sites. Yes, the company may have a free Web site but in every case free sites are limited in capabilities, scope of features available, and functionality. All too often it isn’t until the owner “Upgrades” does he/she gain access to features and functionalities specific to their particular needs and requirements. And what about ease of use? How "user friendly" is the software? And if the business owner needs assistance, how easy or accessible is a real person available in providing technical support quickly – not to mention easily understood?

With an Ultimate Online Marketing Solution – Is there Competition?

We often speak about not having any competition. In reality, we are referring to the fact there are no web site development company or person in the marketplace providing "All Inclusive" services for business owners with an “Ultimate Online Marketing Solution”. It’s not just a Web site… and at $50.00 per month it certainly isn’t “Free”, but there are certainly no hidden costs and the features, support and upgrades are all “Free”. Everything needed for a “robust” and “professional” internet presence is provided. 

Identifying Needs and Requirements = Identifying the “Correct” Solution! 

Accessing the needs first will identify if a simple “Free” site is best for your business. A free site like with may be a good solution for some small-time businesses. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that but is it the best choice based on the needs of the business? 

For an example, compare the first two plans with Wix, eCommerce and Unlimited. In the eCommerce plan there is a Shopping Cart with the Bandwidth limited to only 5 GB while in the Unlimited plan there is no Shopping Cart however the Bandwidth is Unlimited. What if the company has a hot product, sales are going through the roof and as a result of excess traffic, the site exceeds a preset Bandwidth limit?  Having limited Bandwidth means the business owner can be forced into paying more for additional Bandwidth if they exceed the allotted amount in their plan. That is a hidden cost.  

Recommendation we make for all business owners is to first identify requirements. Whether for a new Web site, or upgrading an existing site, identify what your needs are, what do you need to accomplish? What requirements are there for the site, does it need eCommerce, shopping cart, eMail, etc. And most definately establish a marketing budget if one isn’t already set up. If help is needed, identify a reputable company that will assist in identifying your needs and requirements. Any reputable Web Developer should do this at no up-front cost. Your business should come first!

Free is not always Free However…

Once requirements have been met the next step is in identifying who can provide the solution. Depending on how savvy the business owner is, he or she may opt to have several companies bid on the development and management of the new Web Site… however most small business owners don’t have time for, or even understand this process… so they opt out by shopping around. The downside to this is they never know for sure what they are going to get until after they have spent money. Most Web Developers require something upfront before even beginning to build a site. However, there is a way to get around that. 

Prove it to Me!

A “Proof-of-Concept” is an excellent way to find out if the company will be able to deliver by first proving they can meet all of YOUR "identified” requirements… and do it without charging any up-front fees… in other words, do it for “Free.” Why not make companies truly earn your business? Remember, Free Web sites have many hidden obstacles and fees, and if a business owner is unaware of these challenges, it can be costly... an that is certainly not free

Check out this video for information that could guide you in the right direction. 

Friday, April 19, 2013

Self-Hosting Videos VS YouTube Hosting

Everyone loves to post videos on YouTube, and there is quite a buzz about Video SEO. 

What's that?

Daniel Vassiliou recently posted a great piece called "Video SEO: Focus on Self-Hosted Videos Rather Than YouTube" where he discusses the differences between hosting your video on YouTube and posting them on your own site. To make it very simple, someone searches for your item (pick your particular product or service into this scenario) and as a result a video comes up in page one... and let's say just for discussion sake it is your video. If your video is hosted on YouTube and the person goes to YouTube to watch the video, what is the next step the visitor must take in order to go to your site? They have to look for and find the link back to your site which should be in the comments section. One would hope the visitor finds the link, click on it, and goes right to your web site right? But wait, other videos are off to the right side of the page and they are competing for your visitors, your potential customers or clients. Your video now has competition.

Creating a YouTube channel and posting videos for the purpose of attracting visitors to your site is easy to do; however if you are counting on the video to point quality traffic to your site there are others doing the exact same thing and YouTube is helping your competition find your viewers or… the visitor may get distracted by these other videos and poof, they’re gone… down that bunny trail, possibly never to find their way back. At the end of the day, your best content should be featured on your own domain, to be used for drive traffic to your site without any side tracks or tempting “bunny trails”.

What's the Alternative? Host Videos on Your Site!

The benefits can be stunning however, there could be some draw backs. For example:
  1. Many providers set limits on the number of hits your site is able to receive
  2. Many providers limit the bandwidth and charge for bandwidth. Bandwidth is the amount of data your site is passing across a network in a given period of time, usually measured by the month. Hosting providers are charged for an allocated amount of bandwidth from backbone providers and wholesale data centers and that cost can be passed on to the consumer in the form of web hosting plans.
Videos can eat up bandwidth and if popular could attract a larger audience which is what any online business is looking to achieve. If your hosting site places a limit on traffic and/or bandwidth, and charges extra for overages, one of two options are available... go with YouTube or, find a web site hosting provider that has unlimited bandwidth and visitor traffic.

Videos on your site for the purpose of sharing your product or services is huge in this day of social media mania... partnering up with the right Web site hosting and provider will cost you less in the long run. 

The below link takes you to Alecsy's latest tips for video SEO beginners.   

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Finding the Perfect Name for Your Business or Web Site

Over ten years ago when I was starting up my Internet and Web site business, I took some time thinking about the best name for my 2 main Web sites. My Internet business, I am partnered with a product brokerage company that specializes in bringing big name and branded companies into one location in order to make it easy for consumers to find what they are looking for, keep prices down, and eventually to give Cashback. What domain name could I possibly use that would speak volumes in what we are. Then it hit me… my wife and I were at a mall one day and it was as if we both were reading each other’s mind – doesn’t our internet business resemble a virtual mall? One where anyone could shop from the comfort of their home? When we got home I checked out some names that could fit and the one that I liked the best happened to be free, and was born.

My second web site happened just about the same way… what could the name possibly say that would speak to what I do? In short, was created for the simple idea of being able to help small and medium size business grow their business online, affordably and now.

I picked this article for the week because some of the information found within I actually did back in 2001. I brainstormed with my wife (dared not do it with anyone I did not know or trust less they beat me to it) and I thought through what the name would say to visitors.

If you are starting a business, Web site or even revamping a Web site, use this article "How to Find the Perfect Name for Your Business or Website" as a guideline and feel free in working with someone you “trust” to help you with your decision.