Friday, June 6, 2014

Personal Branding & Product Placement for Musicians

There are several divisions within the Market America UnFranchise business, each supporting very specific industries. For the most part, Conquer Entertainment is a highbred between our Non Profit Organization (NPO) and nutraMetrix divisions that provides unparalleled resources and opportunities for musicians everywhere however, it can sometimes be a challenge for artist’s to get their head around changes going in the music world.
One of the more common comments I hear from our Certified Artist Developers (C.A.D.) dedicated in helping musicians within our UnLabel Owner (ULO) program is “oh they just want to play music”. If that’s the case, then why would we even want to consider that person, group or band for our ULO program? Hard working people behind Market America, both at the corporate level and in the field, stood this division up in order to help and assist “serious” musicians develop a successful business and career in an industry they love. The operative word is “serious”; it was never intended for hobbyists.


All too often it can be frustrating talking to artists about their future. When asked, many will answer they are willing to do whatever it takes in order to become successful only to stop short of making a commitment. Now in their defense I would chalk it up to a lack of knowledge and possibly even trust. There are just too many fly-by-night individuals and companies lurking in the shadows to prey upon unsuspecting musicians who are easy targets. It takes more than a promise, and musicians should be skeptical. They should vet all individuals or companies. It requires a successful track record and dedicated resources for artists and their band or group to believe and trust in before any commitment can be expected. But it doesn't stop there.

To be successful in any field it takes work not just a commitment, and it requires on the part of the artist a desire” to become successful. On the other side, it takes a team of dedicated people and resources from which to leverage in order to increase the possibility for success. But at the end of the day it’s the musician that makes the ultimate decision on his/her future.

Unfortunately, many musicians simply take the easy way out, just keeping it simple in having a hobby where they play weekend gigs, not worrying about anything else… and it’s OK if that is what they want. Simply put, they are just not interested in putting forth the "necessary" effort in developing a successful career within the music industry. We are not in the convincing business; we look "only" for those artists having the yearning, the strong desire and drive in becoming successful in the music industry which is why we spend the time to first interview the artist, their group, their band and even their manager. For me personally, should I find a group or band that doesn't have a manager and are looking for one, I will find one for them. It is important to know and understand all of their “goals” and provide a "customized" solution which will benefit them the most.


So, what are some pointers that may help a serious artist? What information is available that just might make a difference? I came across 2 articles How to Succeed at Product Placement without Celebrities and Personal Branding that could shed light in helping musicians understand the importance of branding, and not only in promoting their music but products they love and use which their fans will be interested in. Fans have always been great followers and do often buy what musicians buy, wear what the band wears, eat what the group eats. The problem is most artists do not realize they are promoting products each and every day, we all do in our every day lives. What's happening is that they are leaving money on the table... they are not being rewarded for promoting those items. Convention wisdom would tell artists the only way to get paid for product promotion is by having an endorsement agreement. If you want to know more about artist endorsements, their pitfalls and challenges not to mention having your head spin, check out Artist Endorsement Deals – dos and don’ts.

Up to now it was difficult, or impossible, to get endorsement opportunities from major corporations unless artists had celebrity status. That was a key component to the many challenges Market America and specifically Amanda Ridinger saw in the music industry which spawned the revolution where music and all forms entertainment is marketed, produced and ultimately delivered to the end consumer – thus the birth of Conquer Entertainment and the UnLabel Owner program.

These two articles brings to light changes taking place within the music industry as well as challenges for artists. It also brings to light just how companies look to market their products through this “sexy” industry.

Looking back through history at successful bands and groups, how many of today’s artists realize their success was as a result of having a successful “business” model, and a very profitable model it was back then. But who really profited the most from that model? Mostly labels! Today, musicians who are focusing on making it in today’s high tech world of music have come to realize they need to take charge in becoming their own label. But where can they turn, who can they trust for advice, support, and resources?

Grady Shuman, founder and president of the Association of Music Professionals (A.M.P.) and I recently discussed this very issue and it just so happens he was in the process of launching a program specifically designed to educate artists as well as understand and adjust to the changes taking place within the music industry. His pilot was released this week (June 10, 2014) and is now available for viewing. See if you recognize some of these leaders in the industry, and carefully listen to their message.


Between a duplicatable business model along with a stellar support system and infrastructure, Conquer Entertainment along with SHOP.COM provides everything needed by artists for successfully developing their own “Personal Branding” without knocking on doors and being turned away when searching for endorsement opportunities. Serious musicians now have everything necessary for developing a successful and very “profitable” music career and business.

If you are a musician, or you know any musicians serious about their music career, these two articles will be immensely valuable. They will help in providing a clearer understanding as to what is important, both through the business owner’s eye and that of the musician’s. And, there is a greater chance for the “serious” artists to appreciate and better understand the need for setting up their own UnLabel with all the resources available including an invaluable tool which is referred to as “Trend Shops” for professionally developing their own Personal Branding, a customizable endorsement tool musicians have total control over.

Personal Branding and Product Placement is the future for musicians serious about their future. Having the best tools and support resources and assets along with a solid goal makes it possible for any "serious" musician to profit from their love and passion for music.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

When Everything Goes Wrong! What do you do?

I do not know of a single person who can “honestly” say they have never suffered defeat or setbacks… struggled at some time or have had one of those days when they just wanted to give up. Ever had one of those days? Recently I was working with a group of fellow entrepreneurs in a workshop to help each other stay focused and on point in our business, to meet timelines and tasks each week for 6 weeks. On the 5th week I got sidetracked and lost not only focus, but momentum. I don’t believe I am the only one who has ever had this challenge… note, you will not often find me saying the “P” word. A “problem” is often seen as a “difficult situation” which many people struggle with to find a solution to, where as a “Challenge” can be seen as an invitation to compete, a contest or a dare to do something. Problem creates stagnation where Challenges stirs imagination… but it doesn't happen instantaneously. It takes honest evaluation of one’s self, their purpose, and a strong “WHY”. It IS an ongoing effort!

It is amazing just how one thing can lead to another… how a road block can often create new paths or answers; so as I was struggling trying to get back on track (although the time is up for this particular work group) I happened across an excellent post written by Marc Chernoff, “8 Things to Remember When Everything Goes Wrong” and thought it might help others who have had similar challenges.

 “The best way out is always through.”   ―Robert Frost

In the article, Marc writes about something his grandmother wrote in her journal which spawned an epiphany “Truth be told, happiness is not the absence of problems, but the ability to deal with them.  Imagine all the wondrous things your mind might embrace if it weren't wrapped so tightly around your struggles.  Always look at what you have, instead of what you have lost.  Because it’s not what the world takes away from you that counts; it’s what you do with what you have left.

With that, he posted 8 ideas or reminders, as he puts it, that may help motivate us when we need it the most. I highly recommend reading his entire post - here were my takeaways:

1. Pain is part of Growing 
Two kinds of pain… Pain that Hurts and Pain that Changes You. Often times in our business we have to dig deep to find our reason WHY... why we are doing this business. We must have a STRONG WHY otherwise the pain may bring us to a halt… but “Sometimes life closes doors because it’s time to move forward. And that’s a good thing because we often won’t move unless circumstances force us to.” How many people are simply comfortably miserable in their everyday routine. Too often their WHY never becomes that strong. I know mine wasn't, but now with the economy the way it is the WHY has become stronger.

2. Everything in Life is Temporary
Just because life isn’t easy at the moment, doesn't mean you can’t laugh.  Just because something is bothering you, doesn't mean you can’t smile.  Every moment gives you a new beginning and a new ending.  You get a second chance, every second.” Oh how I love how that saying about “The Gift”.
Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, but Today is a Gift! That’s why it’s called the Present. 
Each day we wake up is different, and new and fresh start. What we do with that new beginning is up to each one of us. We can take advantage of it or squander it. We are in charge of our destiny if we accept the challenges.

3. Worrying and Complaining Changes Nothing
Oh how I loved this one… Great words of wisdom here… simply put “… regardless of what happens in the long run, remember that true happiness begins to arrive only when you stop complaining about your problems and you start being grateful for all the problems you don’t have.” Like Marc writes, “Don’t let the shadows of the past darken the doorstep of your future.” How easy it is to complain! Very! And how often, when around complainers, does it bring you down? Ever been in that situation? It drains every bit of energy out of us, and often times I will simply get up and walk away.

4. Your Scars are Symbols of Your Strength
Each of us have battled it out in our lives… yes, even those who may have had everything given to them… don’t look down upon them for having a safe and secure life because they too have scars from their own personal battles. But as we struggle in life we will endure pain. That pain will go away and it will leave a scar… Marc’s point is spot on… “YES! I MADE IT!” Those scars are there to prove you did it, above all odds, and as a result you become even stronger.

5. Every little struggle is a step forward
Now this was an interesting twist… “…patience is not about waiting; it’s the ability to keep a good attitude while working hard on your dreams, knowing that the work is worth it.” How often do we stop short of reaching our goals, our dreams? The problem is we never know if we stop short… look up Three Feet from Gold. But it is more than that according to Marc “…if you’re going to try, put in the time and go all the way.  Otherwise, there’s no point in starting.  This could mean losing stability and comfort for a while, and maybe even your mind on occasion… And if you want it, you’ll do it, despite failure and rejection and the odds.  And every step will feel better than anything else you can imagine.”

6. Other people’s negativity is not your problem
Remember #3 above? Well not only do you not want to be the worrier or the complainer, you certainly don’t want to be around others who are; but if you are forced to be around them, be the positive one. “When other people treat you poorly, keep being you.  Don’t ever let someone else’s bitterness change the person you are.  You can’t take things too personally, even if it seems personal. Rarely do people do things because of you.  They do things because of them.” I know it can be difficult at times, but there is nothing we can do to help others when they are negative… and we certainly can’t change the fact that these same people will do whatever they can to bring you down with them. “… your life only comes around once.  This is IT.  So do what makes you happy and be with whoever makes you smile, often.

My father was very wise in so many ways, and not so in others. But often he would say "don't take it personally" even though at the time I would. It wasn't until years later I realized what he was talking about and how spot on he was. Some of us take a little longer to learn things than others.

7. What’s meant to be will eventually, BE
Marc should have included “if you stay the course”, which in a way goes back to #5, but with a twist; “You can’t force things to happen.  You can only drive yourself crazy trying.  At some point you have to let go and let what’s meant to be, BE.” If you follow the above, honestly and be true to your core values, it is amazing as to what will happen.

I remember sitting on the front steps at a home I was staying at in Potomac, MD years ago when my family was 3,000 miles away in Sacramento, CA. I was working on a special Naval Reserve project and I began thinking, how am I going to get my family out to Maryland… how can I afford it… what job opportunity can I find… where will we live? This was back in 1989 and I had a choice to make… did I want to go back to the family business where I was unhappy working in a negative and dirty environment, or start fresh doing what I love… using my analytic skills in making a difference. It certainly wasn't appreciated back home. Every night I would sit outside, look up at the moon and focus my thoughts on the situation and think about solutions… I would talk to Cheryl, not physically, but out loud while looking up into the night sky - saying the same thing over and over, almost a mantra. This is what I want… this is what I will do… this is what is going to happen. Guess what? It came to be! Without going into details, what was meant to be came to be. The power of thought and focusing on my WHY was nothing short of amazing. I can’t explain it nor can I bottle it… if I could wow, would I be rich, but I stayed the course… and that brings up the final point in Marc’s post.

8. The best thing you can do is to keep going 
The 10 years in an environment that was difficult for me and my family turned out to be the best thing that happened to us… but it was devastating to my Mother and Father. Why? Because I made a change based on “hard lessons learned”.

Marc was spot on “Don’t be afraid to get back up – to try again, to love again, to live again, and to dream again.  Don’t let a hard lesson harden your heart.  Life’s best lessons are often learned at the worst times and from the worst mistakes.

In the end, we all have choices don’t we. We can learn to be proactive and in command of our own destiny, or we can choose to be enslaved by the will of others who are in command of their own destiny and have the desire to both leverage off your “neediness” and have the power over your entire existence. Which do we want? Which do you want? 

And speaking of neediness, in a communication class years ago we would conduct different exercises in human conditions and conditioning. One such exercise was in how people reacted with people who are needy. Our class wasn't huge, but we had more than 30 if I recall. The instructor put on our forehead a sticker with a number between 0 and 10 where 0 was unattractive and 10 very attractive. We could not know what our number was nor was the other person to tell you what your number was. At the time the outcome was not known or understood, but after the exercise it became invaluable. Learn for yourself, check out this site for the answer to what we learned… it will certainly make a difference in not only how you act and interact with people, but how you will be able to know who you want to associate with. You may be surprised by the outcome of the exercise. Hint... attractiveness isn't all it's cracked up to be.

Everything we do and the people we work with, associate with, live and play with, impact our daily lives and are key to success or failure. The how and what we do to adjust to challenges is what makes up your character and how well others will "want" to be associated with you. So let me ask this question… when everything goes wrong, and often it will, what will you do? Or even more importantly, what will you change?