Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Interview with Motives® Creative Director Coordinator Christian Vazquez

Our Motives team is busy gearing up for International Convention next month, so it was lucky that we were able to get 5 quick minutes with Motives Creative Director Coordinator Christian Vazquez to discuss beauty, social media strategy and working for Market America. Read on for his interview and a preview of what’s to come from Motives during this year's International Convention!
What’s your favorite part about working with a cosmetics line?

It’s amazing to see the impact Motives has on people, its a very empowering line and it is changing lives daily.

What is your favorite Motives product?

My favorite product is the Motives Mavens Element Palette, I played a intricate role in the creation of this product so it has always felt like my baby.

What is the best way to get someone who loves MAC or Smashbox to try our products?

I feel once people are exposed to our products, they are sold! We have the best custom formulation and quality on the market. Just let it touch someone’s skin and they are sold!!

What are you most excited about for MAIC 2014?

We have something HUGE we are unveiling that will change the Motives brand forever!

Can you share 3 ways you think social media has impacted the growth and success of Motives?

Social Media has shown Motives in a brand new light. First, it gives artist the ability to create and show Motives in actual application, which in my eyes is even better than seeing the products or colors in a catalog. Social Media has also taken our brand recognition through the roof! You can’t log on Instagram without seeing a Motives post, and that is huge for us. We have also had the privilege of partnering with some of the most amazing makeup artists in the world, and their loyalty and product knowledge is unmatched.

What is the best part about partnering with the Motives Mavens?

To work with such a talented group is always a pleasure. They have such a strong grasp on the products in the market and the pros and cons of each, that their ideas have taken our products to the next level.

Do you have a social media strategy?

I think consistency and the way you present yourself is key. If people do not believe and buy into you they won’t buy your products.

Thank you, Christian, for taking a few minutes out of your busy day to sit down with the social media team! We in the field can’t wait to see all of the new products and new changes at MAIC 2014!

One of the great advantages in having so many different professional divisions to work with, we have an unparalleled opportunity in teaming up with folks across different industries. And what better match for the beauty, makeup and cosmetics than integrating with the entertainment industry. That is exactly what we are doing with Conquer Entertainment and Motives. It's a beautiful marriage.

Get general information at Explore Motives or specific information about Motives Beauty Advisor, Motives Pro Artist Program, and/or Motives & Me Teen Program.

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