Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Which Road Will You Take?

How often have you talked with someone looking for a solution, a way out of their current situation,possible” solution all of a sudden they become distant and not interested because they think it may be too hard? As Seth so clearly illustrates in his post “Of course it's difficult...”, people look for shortcuts and are too often unwilling to take the necessary steps to secure their dreams, their financial future because they’re looking for that “easy way out”. These are the same people who jump from one thing to another without any real compass to guide them, or they simply do the “same thing” each and every day thinking eventually things will change in their world of insanity. It doesn't matter what industry, profession, or job the person is in, the same common denominator is always found with the same three words coming out of their mouths “It’s too difficult!” yet when you speak with them about a “

Well of course it’s difficult… that’s life isn't it? 

These very same challenges are also seen in the music industry aren't they? And given there are so many resources available for musicians, where is the musician’s guide, their roadmap, their compass? Who really cares about the direction they are going? Don't get me wrong, there are agencies who do this, but they are very, and almost all the time exclusively selecting musicians who they see having great talent – but what about those who are good, have talent and have a great deal of potential? Who is taking the precious time “needed” in providing the right path to their success, their future? Is there anyone asking the really tough questions like, what are your goals, what are your aspirations, wants, wishes or even what is your aim in life? Or, how about this one… “What is your objective in playing music?

Everything we do in life that amounts to anything of value is difficult – of course. But if the musician doesn't have a clear idea of the why they're doing it, how can anyone possibly help them. The music industry is not broken as many would claim, it is evolving. And when there is evolution doesn't there have to be adaptation? So who’s up for the change in the music industry and who’s up for doing what needs to be done in order to adapt to those changes? Who is up for “Finding a new path up the mountain…”?

It appears one company is catching the eyes of musicians. Just recently I met up with an artist who sought out Conquer Entertainment. Why? He saw opportunities and resources that just cannot be found anywhere else. He saw direction, education, systems, resources – like a Sherpa which one can hire to find the “tried and true” path up the mountain, Conquer Entertainment’s own Sherpa (Certified Artist Developers) help musicians find the “tried and true” path to financial success.

Will it be easy? Of course not! Will it be worth it? Well, just like Seth said, “When we intentionally seek out the difficult tasks, we’re much more likely to actually create Value.” And isn’t that exactly what we all want? That certainly is what Conquer Entertainment and all divisions within Market America strive for… “VALUE”!

Perhaps when more artists begin to see those achievements Conquer Entertainment continue pulling off, for all musicians in all genres, then perhaps more and more musicians will begin to understand Seth’s statement “The only things that are scarce in the world of connection and services and the net are the things that are difficult, and the only things that are valuable are the things that are scarce.” Perhaps that is why so many see the huge value in Conquer Entertainment... they are truly-one-of-a-kind... they eat up difficulties for breakfast in order to cultivate value in the field!

Which road will you take? Who will be your Sherpa? #GetConquer.

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