Wednesday, February 11, 2015

BELIEF - The Strongest Emotion We Have!

It was a special and memorable 30 minutes with an icon! Fat Joe’s story about why - why he decided to become part of an incredible forward thinking business. He was already successful as a "gangster rapper" so why... why change? Could it be he saw his future had to change? It is often said we are who we surround ourselves with. Surround yourself with successful entrepreneurs, successful and positive people, moral and supportive role models - what else could we possibly expect!

It was just a little over a year ago that Fat Joe was sitting in a jail literally across from where we were this past weekend at the American Airline Arena in Miami, Florida. Every night he would read the same book over, and over, and over again, and when asked by Chef Jr. who was also in jail why read the same book so much, Fat Joe responded with a very interesting answer, including this statement which everyone should heed:
“It’s my understanding, if you do the same thing over and over again, you can’t expect a different outcome.”
Fat Joe changed his life… and it was all as a result of one word…”Believe”.
“…from a kid from the Bronx, from the projects, to make something out of nothing, I gotta believe in myself. Nobody believes in me, more than me!”
Probably the best part of his talk was about addiction. Not addiction of food, not the addiction of drugs, not the addiction of alcohol, but the addiction of doubt. This was without question one of the most powerful and moving presentation in front of over 20,000 people this past weekend.

But his Belief came from a story that is sure to tug at your heart... and it was about his mother.

I am sharing this story from our 2015 World Conference in Miami because of the enormous impact it had on so many. It was inspirational to say the least. Belief is the most powerful emotion we have without it we could never make positive changes to our lives.

Listen to Fat Joe’s full story… it will be the best thing you can do for yourself… regardless what business you are in, regardless what venture you've started… “Especially” if you are a musician. Joseph Antonio Cartagena's story will put new life into whatever you do... so long as you BELIEVE in yourself, BELIEVE in what you are doing and just as important, BELIEVE in others with whom you surround yourself with.

Conquer Entertainment is proud to have this very inspirational team member supporting, building, and developing artists and entrepreneurs. Fat Joe has become an exceptional Role Model which everyone can be proud to know, and to learn from. Thanks Joe!

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