Monday, July 30, 2012

Resolving eCommerce Issues

What is important in teaming up with professionals for an Internet Presence?

Does everyone look for ways to cut corners, save money, or to get by with the least amount of effort? How many look for shortcuts or, take the road most traveled? The problem is, the road most traveled, the shortcut or trying to get the cheapest deal invariably costs more in time and money. If you’re a business owner, can you afford taking chances?

I would like to share a story and event which took place just last week; then I would like you to ask yourself what would you have done, and how easy would it have been for you to resolve the problem that faced my client.

My client, whom I will call Mr. Zee, contacted me last week with an issue concerning his shopping cart. It seemed customers ordering products from his site were receiving error codes. After a few questions I let him go about his business, he had a tight schedule so there was no need for him to waste time trying to run this to ground. I would simply put his IT team to work in resolving the issue, no matter what it is (take note of this statement, “no matter what it is”.) One of the many benefits Mr. Zee has with is my maWebCenter and iTransact team which supports every aspect of his eCommerce needs.

In looking at the code, I thought that the error message may be generating from his Internet Payment Gateway which is a proprietary service of iTransact. If you have not heard of iTransact, they are a privately held payment-acceptance company based near Salt Lake City, Utah. iTransact was founded in 1994 as RediCheck, the first provider of Internet-based check acceptance services.

I contacted my iTransact Post Operations Team member Jason and explained the issue along with sending him a screenshot of the error message. Jason first confirmed all settings were correct on the client’s gateway then he had his programmers confirm there were no programming issues which would cause the error. Once Jason was satisfied that the problem was not coming from his side of the house, we contacted maWebCenters’ eCommerce tech support team to verify Mr. Zee’s System Configuration with iTransact was correct. Holly, along with her supervisor and programmers confirmed that the website was correctly setup and the error code was not being generated from their end.

Here is where this maWebCenter and iTransact team combo saved the day. Holly and Jason discussed the possibility that the problem could be the result of a communication disruption. Since the code was for a disrupted communication error, it could be that Mr. Zee’s service may have been terminated at the debit and credit card processing center. Mr. Zee has been with this one company since they first opened their business, many years before they stood up their website with In order to find out if this was the problem, Jason contacted his resource at TSYS.

Jason called his contact at TSYS to look into the possibility of a terminated connection. Once I mentioned that the credit card processing company had taken over another company, TSYS was able to identify the source of the problem. They looked into the VAR sheet provided to iTransact and found it containing incorrect information as a result of the transition between the two companies. TSYS recommended calling the new credit card processing company to obtain the correct information.

Jason contacted the new credit card processing company and obtained the correct VAR sheet information which should have been forwarded to Mr. Zee when they took over the credit card processing from the old company. Once Jason implemented the changes into iTransact’s payment gateway, we successfully retested Mr. Zee’s site by submitting an actual order. The website and gateway were now connected and working properly.

This entire process took just a little over two hours. The point to take away from this story is how important it is in having a professional team dedicated to you and your business. When I tell prospective customers that an entire team of IT experts are at their beck and call, 24/7, it often just seems impossible. This was no small issue! My professional IT experts found the issue that lay with a company my client Mr. Zee has had for years which was not a service provider with Remember above when I said to remember “no matter what it is”? Now ask yourself, how many service providers have you dealt with willing to not only find a problem that is not theirs, but resolve it for you? But here is the kicker… this entire team of experts that is at Mr. Zee’s beck and call costs only $50.00 per month. Where can any company hire an entire division of IT experts for $50.00 per month?

It doesn’t matter if you are a business owner with an online store, or a web developer or designer, our team of experts makes everyone’s business easier and far more productive.

Can you answer the question “what is important in teaming up with professionals for an Internet Presence?

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